Mittwoch, 21. November 2018

First test

Link to vocab exercise.
Link to email writing.
These are the topics of your first test

Just Go for it Module 1:
Introducing yourself, talking about school and school life, subjects, timetable, learning strategies, a regular school day (p. 7 ex. e)

Grammar: Present Simple and Continuous, Grammar Guide p. 5 - 9, to do & to make phrases, Murphy Units 1 - 4.

Just Go for it Module 2: Talking about friends and family, describing a person's looks and character, writing a personal profile, a blog entry

Grammar: Adjectives, comparison, superlatives of regular and irregular adjectives
Grammar guide p. 38 - 40, Murphy 105 - 108

Worksheets: "Introducing oneself", "Translation exercise", "Guy Fawkes Day & Halloween".

Your test will include the following TASKS:
1. Reading
2. Listening (use the CD of your book to train your listening skills, transcripts are at the back of your book)
3. Writing: e-mail or blog entry on one of the above topics

Don't forget to hand in a "test-sheet / Schularbeitenbogen" (lined with red margin)  by Friday !!

Montag, 17. September 2018


Hi everybody, welcome to my new English blog. Let me introduce myself. (answer Questions of worksheet…)

My Name is ….I am 158 years old and I live in Mauthausen, Upper Austria.

book report

BOOK REPORT. Your book Reports should include the following: 1. Title & Author. Basic Information about the author. 2. Editor (the...